In The Hills
Above Petropolis
Tomica Bajsic


U brdima iznad Petropolisa nad kinim umama

Na cesti od crnog asfalta klizavoj od filma limunove praine

Uz stranu sunevog proplanka na vrhu pored menog kamena

Na rubu ponora koji svuda oko tebe propada u maglene oceane

Zaustavi svoj stari okrugli kamion boje neba na koje pie

Kaubojska parola: «Isus, i on je bio kamiondija»

ekaj dok prestane kripa i izdahne para i postane tiho

Zapali cigaretu povuci dim oprezno (zrak je rijedak)

I misli na mrtve, misli mrtve.


In the hills above Petropolis over the rain forests

On the black asphalt road slippery with a thin film of lemon dust

Along the sunny plain on top by the stone marker

At the verge of an abyss descending everywhere around you into the mist of oceans

Park your old round sky-coloured truck

With its gaucho decal:  “Jesus was a truck driver too”

Wait until the engine dies down, steam disappears

And everything becomes quiet; light a cigarette and take a careful drag (for the air is thin)

And think of the dead, think of the dead.

Translated from the Croatian by Damir Šodan