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being known as a safe harbour, the place was also known for the beauty of its inhabitants. That’s what the island was called, too—the Island of Beautiful People. Well, bear in mind that at the time, islands were really islands, very isolated, and the choice of a possible spouse was limited, so it’s no wonder people intermarried, even close cousins—and that is definitely not a cool thing. That’s why there are so many weird fuckin’ people on the islands to this day. But not on this island because someone—a long, long, time ago—figured out what was happening, and the natives started offering their women to the sailors and fishermen who sought shelter in their harbour. From then on the genetics situation was under control. "But," said Damir, lifting his shirt and scratching his belly, "the problem was that everything couldn’t possibly continue that smoothly. Somebody had to pay and suffer. And who do you think that was, eh?" he said, looking at Maia. She shrugged.
      "As always, it was the women. First they’re forced to hump strangers, but then the people figured that was a bit too much; after all, God sees everything and everyone knows what’s happening, so some brilliant guy thought up an excellent punishment. On the cape outside the village, they built a little chapel and beneath it a jetty with four iron rings and a log at the bottom. Basically, they’d drag the woman over and stretch her out on it like a gynecologist’s chair. And then what did they do? They’d leave her crucified like that for days so anyone could fuck her. A real ball-a-thon."
      "Bullshit," said Maia.
      "Oh no," laughed Damir. "Just imagine; dude comes, fucks to his heart’s content, digging every minute of it, and the woman lying there watching the chapel, silent, thinking, well, I guess it could have been worse! Shit," he looked at his watch, "the mistral is late again."
      "You said the jetty’s still there," said Maia, getting up to stretch herself.
      "As well as the chapel, the four rings, the log, the whole package."
koju su se pred olujom sklanjale ribarske brodice i trgovački brodovi. Osim što je bilo poznato kao sigurna luka, to je mjesto bilo poznato i po lijepim ljudima. Tako su i zvali otok — Otok lijepih ljudi. Uzme li se u obzir da su u to doba otoci stvarno bili otoci, izbor bračnog partnera bio je vrlo ograničen, pa ne čudi što su se međusobno ženili i najbliži rođaci, što je vrlo nezgodna stvar. Otuda na otocima i danas toliko sjebanih ljudi. Ali ne i na tom otoku.
      Ukratko, netko je jako, jako davno skužio u čemu je štos, pa su svoje žene nudili ribarima i mornarima koji su se sklanjali u njihovu luku, i sve je što se genetike tiče bilo super. Ali", zadigao je majicu i počečao se po trbuhu, "problem je bio u tome što stvar nije mogla proći tek tako. Netko je tu morao nastradati. I što misliš, tko je nastradao, ha?", pogledao je Maju.
      Ona je slegnula ramenima.
      "Kao i uvijek, nastradale su žene. Najprije ih prisile da se prasnu sa strancima, ali onda, je li, to je ipak malo previše, bog vidi sve, a ljudi sve znaju, pa je neki genij smislio odličnu kaznu. Na rtu izvan naselja izgradili su kapelicu, a ispod nje mol s četiri željezne alke i trupcem na kraju. Ukratko, dovukli bi jadnicu tamo i razapeli je kao na ginekološkom stolcu. I što su onda činili? Ostavili bi je danima tamo razapetu, a fukat ju je mogao tko god je htio. Prava jebena pučka kuhinja". "Sereš", rekla je Maja.
      "Ma kakvi", nasmijao se Damir. "Zamisli samo, dođe, fuka do mile volje, gleda more, super mu, a žena ništa. Gleda kapelicu, šuti i misli si kako je još dobro prošla. E, jebote", pogledao je na sat, "maestral opet kasni".
      "I kažeš da taj mol i danas postoji", rekla Maja ustajući i protežući se.
      "I kapelica, i one četiri alke, i
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