Breakfast: 43 Poems — A Reprobate / GobQ Book

Breakfast: 43 Poems by Coleman Stevenson

Publication Date: January, 2015
Trade Paper, 68 pages, illustrations, 7" x 5"
ISBN: 978-1-94384-465-4

"Breakfast. Washing the dishes. Gardening. Home. Nature. Coleman Stevenson's work vibrates everywhere with life and loss: part elegy, part dying to be born again, an illuminating force."

Mark Mordue, author, Darlinghurst Funeral Rites and Boy on Fire: the Young Nick Cave

"Coleman Stevenson's poems defy their own longing by making a want's darkest recesses glow, turning language fresh as a new love feels, familiar, flaming, and true."

Brian Foley, author, The Constitution, editor, Brave Men Press

"Coleman Stevenson's Breakfast will jolt you awake, buzzing and crackling with a febrile, plain-spoken intensity, scouring the world for correspondences that signal a truth."

John Beer, author, Lucinda, The Waste Land and Other Poems

"Coleman Stevenson, we love you, get up and come to breakfast."

Douglas Spangle, author, A White Concrete Day

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